Monday, April 3, 2017

In the end, It's STILL all about Money...

An assorted number of so-called "Gurus" will talk at length about the evils of money, and people's attachments. There's also a lot of spiritual mumbo-jumbo circulating about "one" should forsake material interests (aka "money") in order to live a truly spiritual life.

It all pretty much amounts to a pile of bullshit.

Yes, I just said that.

Let's just start with the fact that abovesaid gurus typically are happy to sell you a $3500 subscription to their "Three Year Program" in which they teach you not to care about money.

Of course, that makes sense, because you'd need to "not care about money" while your pockets are being drained.


Forsaking wealth and things material does not make you "more spiritual."

Living in a tin shack in the ghetto does not make you "more spiritual."

Living in some Ashram where you sleep on the floor and eat three bean sprouts and a single lettuce leaf daily does not make you "more spiritual."

What (perhaps!) makes you "more spiritual" is giving up being driven by the need to make money and accumulating wealth.

Just take the money out of the driver's seat and put it in the back seat instead. But don't kick it out of a moving vehicle, into traffic. That's just stupid, and counterproductive.

Besides, most people just function better when they have a bed, indoor plumbing and regular meals. It makes you a lot less grumpy.

Just something to think about.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Do we just CARE less and less?

In the circles of Very Spiritual People™, there is a lot of talk of mindfulness, presence and all that good stuff.

Most people in the healing and spiritual fields spread the good word of the value of these, in hopes of creating a better world.

Which, of course, is a fine and dandy thing to do.

A lot of the time, however, it feels like an uphill battle. There seems to be a pervasive subtext in our world to "not care," as a way of life.

Some of it seems to have to do with the recent "regime change," here in the USA. "Telling it how it is" and running roughshod over others seems to be de rigeur these days.

Can't say I care much for that.

Seems like kindness, compassion and empathy have been given a swift kick in the teeth. People care less and less, and are more and more involved in simply "getting things their way."

Can't say that I like it very much...

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Remember Gratitude

Humans are a funny bunch.

They spend a ridiculously large amount of time getting all butthurt over all the things they perceive to be missing from their lives.

The key word there is "perceive."

Most of the time, humans haven't the faintest clue as to what is missing from their lives. But it's a pretty good bet it has nothing to do with "things" and little to do with shopping at Nordstrom's.

Take a moment to remember gratitude.

Be grateful for the fact that you do have as much as you do. To a refugee from Somalia, you're living the life of royalty.

Perspective. Keep some damned perspective, OK?

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Presence, and all that shit

This whole notion of "Being Present" really isn't all that hard. But it is definitely misunderstood.

"You must be present, young Grashopper."

Well, of course you must. Where the hell else would you be? Unless you happen to gave a time traveling machine, it's unlikely you'd be anywhere other than the present.

Of course, that isn't really what "they" mean. What "they" mean is that you shouldn't allow your mind to go wandering off towards somewhere else, when you are doing something here.

Don't be thinking about the wedding, when you are about to ask for a first date.

Who does that, anyway?

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

In the Beginning there was...

I find myself wondering why people spend so much time searching for their "origins."

Don't get me wrong, I understand the bit where it might be useful to know your family medical history. But how does it change your present moment to know that you're a direct descendant of Alexander the Great? Or Napoleon? Or anything else, for that matter?

I find myself wondering if all this mental masturbation people engage in is merely another way to remain distracted from dealing with a present that-- in all fairness-- might not be so pleasant?

Suffering is a pretty unpleasant thing.

Maybe planting flowers and watching them grow would be a more pleasant option...