In the circles of Very Spiritual People™, there is a lot of talk of mindfulness, presence and all that good stuff.
Most people in the healing and spiritual fields spread the good word of the value of these, in hopes of creating a better world.
Which, of course, is a fine and dandy thing to do.
A lot of the time, however, it feels like an uphill battle. There seems to be a pervasive subtext in our world to "not care," as a way of life.
Some of it seems to have to do with the recent "regime change," here in the USA. "Telling it how it is" and running roughshod over others seems to be de rigeur these days.
Can't say I care much for that.
Seems like kindness, compassion and empathy have been given a swift kick in the teeth. People care less and less, and are more and more involved in simply "getting things their way."
Can't say that I like it very much...