Monday, April 3, 2017

In the end, It's STILL all about Money...

An assorted number of so-called "Gurus" will talk at length about the evils of money, and people's attachments. There's also a lot of spiritual mumbo-jumbo circulating about "one" should forsake material interests (aka "money") in order to live a truly spiritual life.

It all pretty much amounts to a pile of bullshit.

Yes, I just said that.

Let's just start with the fact that abovesaid gurus typically are happy to sell you a $3500 subscription to their "Three Year Program" in which they teach you not to care about money.

Of course, that makes sense, because you'd need to "not care about money" while your pockets are being drained.


Forsaking wealth and things material does not make you "more spiritual."

Living in a tin shack in the ghetto does not make you "more spiritual."

Living in some Ashram where you sleep on the floor and eat three bean sprouts and a single lettuce leaf daily does not make you "more spiritual."

What (perhaps!) makes you "more spiritual" is giving up being driven by the need to make money and accumulating wealth.

Just take the money out of the driver's seat and put it in the back seat instead. But don't kick it out of a moving vehicle, into traffic. That's just stupid, and counterproductive.

Besides, most people just function better when they have a bed, indoor plumbing and regular meals. It makes you a lot less grumpy.

Just something to think about.

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