"When I finish my classes, I will get in shape!""When I have a new car, I'll be on time for work!""When I have more time, I'll take up Yoga!"
I'd hazard a guess that there are very few people on the planet who have not used the "when... then" line of thinking to sidestep the fact that they are avoiding doing something, or feeling resentful about something they don't like doing, or being passive-aggressive about something.
For any other number of reasons — most of them relating to our personal image or ego — we avoid being honest about them for fear others will somehow think less of us, or think us lazy and unmotivated, or it does suit our own "personal mythologies" to face the truth.
However, there is a great release and relief in letting go of the need for deception. These are psychological and spiritual burdens we can lay down... and it actually creates space in our essence for more important and relevant things!
What deceptions can you let go of?
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